Monday, October 5, 2009


Today was a day of surprises, to be sure. 

First, we were surprised by some of our team members getting sick so early.  Many accidentally ingested some butter that was in contact with tap water.  We have at least 3 that are sick, and a few hoping they don’t get sick.  Imodium, water, and Tylenol have helped, but nothing will help as much as the prayers of the saints. 

Secondly, we were surprised by how many people in the village of Mukongoro spoke or understood English (even Oklahoman/Texan!)

Thirdly, we were surprised at the work of the enemy before our arrival.  The reputation of the Presbyterian Church in Uganda has put fear in several of the “false religions” in the area.  Before our arrival several men went to the areas we traveled telling the people that we “pay people to go to the Presbyterian Church.”  (if only it were that easy!)  We think we met the man who started these rumors.  The devil is at work, but the contrast of the truth against the lie only serves to enhance the message.  We explain that we don’t give money…we give something much better:  the grace of Jesus Christ. 

Many in the area are believers in the Lord Jesus already, yet they wanted us to tell them the gospel message again.  They are hungry for encouragement and affirmation.  Many were taking notes and/or looking up verses in their own Bibles to confirm what we were saying.  Want to know the gist of what we say?  Go to this link.

Our translators have so much evangelism experience, and are very well trained.  They really complement our testimonies, they are our guides, protectors, and the presence of Jesus walking alongside us. 

The PUBLIC SCHOOL ministry was very successful today.  Susan and Dan were greeted by 1150 children from grades 1-7 and this was a school holiday!  The kids came to school on their day off just to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Even the principal danced and praised the Lord in the midst of the children (see photo). 

The PRISON ministry was a humbling experience for Henry and Sharon.  For 3 hours they spent time with the prisoners and they all sang songs of joy and praise.  76 men and 1 woman were given gifts of staple items and a heavy dose of God’s grace.  Sharon ministered one-on-one with the woman who was in prison awaiting trial for adultery.  She learned of God’s forgiveness and it made all the difference in her life today. 

The best phrase I heard today was “hundreds of people were rescued today.”  It’s true, and so much more descriptive than the overused “saved.”  People were rescued from despair, hopelessness, ignorance, death and sin.  We’re NOT in this for the numbers, but we easily reached 600 adults on the trail, hundreds more at the crusade, 250 kids at the VBS program, and more than 1100 public school children. 

We wrote the name down of each person who trusted Jesus Christ today for the first time, so that the pastor could follow up with them after we leave him in charge of the congregation.   The total came to 436.  I cry just thinking about how the angels in heaven are rejoicing today.  It’s what John Becker preached on at the crusade.  It was evident in Dustin and Linda’s testimonies.  It was written on each face.   Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.


Anonymous said...

As I read your diary of the mission it sounds as if the Holy Spirit is working through everything that is going on. We will continue to pray for the group and especially for the 3 with illness. The photos are great. This passage of scripture came to my mind: 2 Timothy 1:7 (New International Version)
7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Mike B.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow. We can practically hear the rejoicing in heaven right now. What an amazing thing to be willing to completely set aside yourself for the good of others and the work of the Kingdom. It is an inspiration to us back home to seek that same transparency and self sacrifice in our everyday lives. Much love to all of you, and prayers for complete healing and health as you do His work!
-Michael and Cindy B.

Unknown said...

God has paved the way before you and I KNOW that awesome things are happening and going to continue to happen on this trip. My heart is so happy for you all.
You are in our prayers.
- Caitlin M.

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you saints who have traveled half a world away to tell the good news. May the Holy Spirit always be with you as you honor and glorify our father. It is no small task that you have been called to do. Remember that those who are called are also equipped. I pray that those of you who are ill will quickly regain your health. Rodney H.

Anonymous said...

God is working through you to reach his people. He will work his healing in you that you may be well and continue your work. Our love and prayers go out to all of you.

Cathy H said...

God Bless You All. Special note to Rhonda and Ali - thinking about you constantly and praying for you as you work to help people understand that when Jesus is part of your life, nothing else really matters. Lives will be changed because of your commitment to this mission - including your own lives. God Bless and Be Safe
Cathy H

New Hope Studios said...

"...1150 children from grades 1-7 and this was a school holiday! The kids came to school on their day off just to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ! Even the principal danced and praised the Lord in the midst of the children."

"We wrote the name down of each person who trusted Jesus Christ today for the first time, so that the pastor could follow up with them after we leave him in charge of the congregation. The total came to 436."

This brings tears of joy instantly to my eyes... This blesses me. I hope to be a part of something like that some day. The opportunity to see so many lives saved and so many touched by the loving hand of Jesus Christ... I can't imagine how full your cups must be right now!

God bless all of you.

Anonymous said...

wow- I am blown away each day as I read this-from the beginning plane trip to the questions they are asking, to those who are on the trip that I know! not only the WPC group, but also Sharon and Henry, Jayne, Tom L- a friend of my husband, Bob!
thank you for being God's angels, his saints at work, his hands....
the Hannan group at WPC has the prayer calendar that Treb made and we will keep you all lifted up daily.
Ferr, we had a great dinner with Bill Friday night! and Treb, no OU comments!!!!
blessings and protection to each of you
Betsy T

Saundra S. said...

God bless you all and your mission to God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many talk of such things but you all are doing! May God give you the words and the wisdom to complete your task and affect these people in they way HE so desires. Saundra F.