Saturday, October 10, 2009

But Wait...There's MORE!

God just humbled and blessed us again.  I’m nearly speechless. 

Last night, we were in the hotel’s watering hole celebrating Uganda Independence Day.  There we got to learn the Ugandan national anthem from some very inebriated guests.  I video-taped them and we all had a good laugh. 

Tonight, after our team meeting, we practice our choir song, “There is Power in the Blood” for services tomorrow.  After our “practice” was over, a young woman popped her head into our conference room and wanted to talk with me.  It was none other than the woman from the bar the night before.  Her name is Delilah Nawino. 

She said she was supposed to meet a friend at a party at the hotel, but was stood up.  As she was leaving to go home, she passed by our banquet room and heard the “power in the blood of the Lord” song.  When she peeked in, she saw me and asked Tom and Henry to fetch me.  We greeted and exchanged a laugh once again.  Then she said she was a Muslim, had no support from her friends, and thought about trusting Jesus once long ago, but thought it would be more convenient and easier to remain a Muslim. 

I said, “Why?”  She couldn’t give a definitive answer, so I finally asked, “How do you get to Heaven?”  She gave the right answer:  “By trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior.” 

“Do you trust in Jesus, Delilah?”  She said she did not.  She didn’t know what Jesus had to do with it, but she’d heard that Jesus was somehow important.  We went through the gospel message.  Before I could even ask, she said, “I want to give my life to Jesus right now!”  We prayed, and she jumped up praising God, shouting “Hallelujah!” 

I invited her to the church dedication tomorrow.  She was ecstatic.  “You mean you launch the first day tomorrow?”  What a privilege.  Thank you Lord.   And we thought we were done for the week!


Anonymous said...

_It is ALL about JESUS!!! Blessings to you all for your faithfulness this entire trip and prayers for your safe trip back to the United States
I have absolutely loved and Have totally been inspired by your stories.
In Christ

Cay said...

Im up to pray for Eastern OPC and have a few moment, so thought I'd see what was happenening with y'all
you must be about ready to get up for another day telling ALL about Jesus. Since i now seem to be con-fined to the States. I'll go to our Welcome home Ultreya and make sure the team is lifted in prayer again this afternoon. IHN, Cay